If you own a car, you know how frustrating and common car problems can be. If you take the time to learn a little more, you can save a lot of money and unneeded stress. Keep this advice about auto repair in mind. You will find it useful when your car next encounters a problem.
Be prepared for any emergency by equipping your car with a well stocked emergency kit. Assemble a kit that has tools for changing tires, charging the battery and putting more gas in the car. Should your car break down in the dark, it is helpful to have extra batteries, a flashlight, and some blankets.
Check your coolant levels frequently. Run your engine for several minutes, and then turn it off and pop your hood. Never open your radiator if your vehicle is running. Check how much fluid is in the radiator with a dipstick and keep in mind that you should always mix coolant with water before pouring it in your radiator.
Talk with your technician to determine if they have worked on your car before. If they have, there is a good chance they will be able to repair your car.
Take out all of the valuable items in your car when it is being repaired. They will likely be taken out and may be lost. You should also remove all the items from your trunk.
If you think your headlines are not as bright as usual, inspect them for cleanliness. Your headlights will get covered in greasy residues if you do not clean them regularly. Use glass cleaner to wash them thoroughly.
Attempt to self-diagnose ahead of going to a garage. Knowing what your car needs can help you avoid being talked into repairs it doesn’t need. Unreliable mechanics might lie about the issue so they can charge you for additional repairs.
If there are two tools all cars should have, it is a jack and lug-nut wrench. With that, you also need an extra tire. If you purchase a new car, you should have these in your trunk. Being stuck without a spare tire and jack means you will have to get your car towed. You can save a lot of money by performing tasks yourself.
Basic Tools
Put together an auto repair kit and keep it in your car. Make sure you have something to change a tire. If you lack a lug wrench and a jack, purchase both. Basic tools such as screw drivers, wrenches, socket wrenches, torque wrench and other basic tools are also handy to have. Never skimp when buying tools. Solid and sturdy tools are ideal so you don’t have to worry about them malfunctioning.
Clean your car regularly, even in the winter. While you may not see the need, winter is by far the harshest season for cars. Roads filled with sand and salt can really do some corrosive damage to your car. Be certain to dry your car completely before driving again, so that icing does not occur.
Remember that you don’t have to go to your dealer to get auto repair work done. Good mechanics are all around you. If you have found a reliable mechanic, don’t hesitate to use them.
Check the air pressure in your tires when you fill your gas tank. Check your tires regularly for embedded items and for uneven wear patterns. If you see something wrong, make sure to fix the problem immediately. Driving with faulty tires is extremely dangerous.
Take pictures of your entire vehicle before taking it to the shop to get repaired. This way if you suspect something has been removed without your approval, you have photographic proof. You need to be able to document the original damages done to your vehicle in case your mechanic fails to fix them or makes things worse.
Warranties really come in handy when you need to replace parts. Ask the mechanic about the parts’ warranty. Figure out what the warranty covers and if you can get a copy of it so that you can look over it.
Not many people look at their car’s manual. Review this manual to learn how it’s to be used so that you can find helpful information quickly. Maintenance is key, but can only be done if you know what is required.
Automobile problems are extremely frustrating and annoying. They can be expensive too. If you learn a little about the basics of car repair and apply the tips in this article, you will be able to keep your vehicle running and save yourself a lot of cash.