Posts Tagged ‘green’

Brake for Green: Brake Pads Can Keep Your EV Environmentally-Friendly

The environment is in trouble.  We are reminded of that fact in nearly every aspect of our daily lives. That knowledge probably played a part in your decision to invest in an electric vehicle (EV) in the first place.

 EVs dramatically reduce carbon pollution from fossil fuels making them an excellent choice for the environmentally conscious driver.  However, carbon pollution is only one source of pollution generated by vehicles.  One of the largest vehicle-generated pollutants is something that you may not have given much thought to: brake dust.

Brake dust accounts for 20% of all vehicle-generated pollutants. It affects both air quality and soil quality, and it can have lasting hazardous effects on human health. That’s why selecting the right brake pads can make your EV the green machine you always wanted.

Brake Dust Blues

Brake pads rely on friction to stop a vehicle.  This constant abrasion wears down …